21 camere dotate dei comfort giusti per voi!
Boutique Hotel Aurora

Il colore è una costante che contraddistingue tutte le camere ma in verità la discriminante è l’utilizzo dei materiali utilizzati per le pareti. Queste camere esprimono un concetto di accoglienza, del viaggio, di contenuto, del ricordo e della suggestione più sulla materia prima che sul colore. Questo di fatto rappresenta un passaggio in avanti rispetto ad un restyling estetico di un hotel boutique. Di solito infatti il colore è l’elemento che spicca e viene sempre piuttosto intuitivo associare il colore ad uno stato emotivo ma la materia si tocca e sfiora un altro senso più concreto ed attuale per il nostro periodo storico.

Materiali che arredano e definiscono uno stile di accoglienza : calce cruda, argilla, intonachino, metalli, carta. Tecniche dell’ ossidazione, delabrè, tinta a stucco, velatura ai silicati per supporti minerali, stencil che sostengono uno stile di Urban Hotel in pieno centro storico.
Le camere possono essere catalogate per suggestione rispetto ai materiali impiegati per la realizzazione delle pareti. Abbiamo 4 tipologie di camere identificate con CARTA, CALCE ED ARGILLA, TERRE E POLVERE, METALLI.





SPA Services


Spend a relaxing and intimate day with your partner in our SPA.

Package included:

  • ● DAY USE of a room of your choice (3pm-8pm)
    • – Wellness treatment in your Private SPA, reserved for you and your partner.
      Mini-pool with jacuzzi, biosauna, emotional shower, chromotherapy corner. Vital corner with complimentary teas, dried fruits and water.
  • ● Welcome drink with sparkling wine and a tasting of local products
  • ● Complimentary SPA kit (bathrobe, towel and slippers).

SPA Services


Your holidays are a mere memory and the routine is catching up with you? We have the perfect solution for
you. With our Stress Escape package you can flee from the ordinary and gift you a day of wellness and relax
in beautiful Spoleto.

Package included:

  • ● One night in a room of your choice
  • ● Our breakfast buffet to kick off the day
    WELLNESS BREAK – 1 hour
    • – Wellness treatment in your Private SPA, reserved for you and your partner.
    • – Mini-pool with jacuzzi, biosauna, emotional shower, chromotherapy corner.
  • ● Vital corner with complimentary teas, dried fruits and water.
  • ● Complimentary SPA kit (bathrobe, towel and slippers)

SPA Services


The holidays are a distant memory and the return to routine begins to be felt? We have the solution for you. With the stress escape package, escape from everyday life and treat yourself to moments dedicated to your well-being in the wonderful setting of Spoleto.

Package Included:

  • ● Overnight stay with breakfast included
  • ● Buffet Breakfast, to start your day full of energy
  • ● WELLNESS BREAK lasting one hour
  • ● Couple wellness path in private SPA. Available hot tub, bio sauna, emotional shower, relaxation corner and chromotherapy.
  • ● Vital corner with water, various types of herbal teas and dried fruits.
  • ● Comfortable SPA kit included (bathrobe, cotton towel and slippers) for the use of services.
  • ● A regenerating massage localised ( to choice between back or legs ). Duration: 20 minutes.
  • ● Valid for one or two people
Wellness at the hotel & private SPA

An exclusive private SPA designed for your mental and physical well-being, with a modern and local design, is the space the Boutique Hotel Aurora created for you to enjoy an unforgettable and relaxing stay in Spoleto.
Mini swimming pool with hydro-massage, Finnish sauna, shower with chromotherapy and relaxation area designed for your moments of well-being.
A regenerating corner surrounded by nature and a wide selection of herbal teas await you. What are you waiting for? Put on your comfortable SPA kit and start.

Our services can be booked either online, especially as a package, or by e-mail: info@boutiquehotelaurora.it or even directly on site at the hotel upon arrival, with the service available subject to availability and reservation.

Wellness at the hotel & private SPA

An exclusive private SPA designed for your mental and physical well-being, with a modern and local design, is the space the Boutique Hotel Aurora created for you to enjoy an unforgettable and relaxing stay in Spoleto.
Mini swimming pool with hydro-massage, Finnish sauna, shower with chromotherapy and relaxation area designed for your moments of well-being.
A regenerating corner surrounded by nature and a wide selection of herbal teas await you. What are you waiting for? Put on your comfortable SPA kit and start.

Our services can be booked either online, especially as a package, or by e-mail: info@boutiquehotelaurora.it or even directly on site at the hotel upon arrival, with the service available subject to availability and reservation.

I nostri servizi sono da prenotare sia online sopratutto con la formula pachetto o via mail: info@boutiquehotelaurora.it o anche direttamente in struttura al vostro arrivo con servizio utilizzabile previa disponibilità e prenotazione.

I nostri servizi sono da prenotare sia online sopratutto con la formula pachetto o via mail: info@boutiquehotelaurora.it o anche direttamente in struttura al vostro arrivo con servizio utilizzabile previa disponibilità e prenotazione.


SPA Services

Reservation required



Classic circulatory massage, it restores vitality to the body.

LOCAL – Duration: 20’ –  Price: € 39,00
TOTAL – Duration: 45’  – Price: € 70,00


Relaxing massages with warm and scented vegetable oils. The gentle and soft movements will fill you with peace and tranquility

BODY-FACE-HEAD-HAIR –  Time: 45’  – Price: € 75,00


Energetic Mediterranean Massage. A strong, powerful and intense massage on the muscles and joints that will cradle you like Mediterranean waves. The ideal choice to restore yourself completely and release both physical and mental tensions.

BODY – Duration: 45’  – Price:  € 79,00

BODY-FACE-HEAD-HAIR – Duration: 75’  – Price:  € 115,00

SPA Services

Reservation required



Restore yourself in our pinewood sauna in our exclusive
Private SPA. Leave all tensions behind with the aromatic
whiffs of balsamic oils. A hot infusion will be waiting for
you before your circulatory back massage

Duration: 50’ – Price:  € 65,00


A hymn to wellness in our Private SPA. Profound relaxation with hot water massages and restorative and purifying sauna. Your emotional journey will be completed by our Energetic Mediterranean Massage

Duration: 110’ – Price: € 120,00

Remember that the private SPA must be requested when booking your stay.


A gift for body and mind

Che cosa aspetti? Indossa il comodo kit SPA ed inizia


Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to get more information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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