• Is breakfast included in the rate?
    Breakfast is included in the rate. It will be delivered in breakfast room.
  • Does the hotel have a restaurant?
    The hotel doesn’t have a restaurant but is affiliated with many that are within walking distance.
  • Does the hotel have a bar?
    The hotel has a bar where you can enjoy drinks and relax with your travel partners.
  • Is the hotel open 24/7?
    The hotel is open 24/7 but the reception is available from 7:30am to 11pm.
  • Is the hotel in Spoleto’s historical centre?
    The hotel is Via dell’Apollinare 3, right in the centre of Spoleto.
  • Is the hotel in a traffic-restricted zone?
    It is but guests of hotel can access freely.
  • Is there a lift in the hotel?
    There is no lift in the hotel.
  • How many floors does the hotel have?
    There are three floors totally, including the ground floor.
  • Are there any rooms equipped for disabled people?
    The hotel has two rooms on the ground floor that can comfortably accommodate people with specific needs.
  • Can some of the rooms accommodate twin beds?
    Some rooms can be arranged with twin beds.
  • Do all the rooms have en-suite bathrooms?
    All rooms have en-suite bathrooms with either a bathtub or a shower.
  • What are the check-in and check-out times?
    You can check-in from 2:30pm to 11pm and check-out from 7:30am to 10:30 am.
  • Are pets allowed in the hotel?
    No pets allowed.
  • Are there cribs available in the rooms?
    You can contact the staff of the reception for an extra crib in the room for a small daily fee of 15€.
  • Can an extra bed be added in the rooms?
    Some rooms can accommodate up to three or four people.
  • Does the hotel have a private parking space?
    The hotel does not have a private parking space but is affiliated with Spoletosfera public parking. This parking is connected to the town centre with a moving pavement and it will take you only 5 minutes to reach it.

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